
Financial tips and money-saving advice from Goldenwest Credit Union

Visa Checkout

August 17, 2015

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Shopping online has just become even more convenient with Visa Checkout, the latest in online payment services by Visa.

This streamlined service is meant to be just as easy as swiping your card to pay. “A lot of what was traditional e-commerce … is migrating either to the tablet environment or migrating to the small screen or the mobile phone,” said Sam Shrauger, Visa Senior Vice President of Digital Solutions (Kokalitcheva). With this shift towards shopping on small screens, Visa Checkout is making it easier for the consumer by eliminating the tedious work of entering all your information on smaller screens.

Unlike payments services such as Google Wallet, Visa Checkout does not require loading a digital wallet onto your smartphone, tablet, or computer. You simply sign up for an account by entering your card information once. After you sign up for Visa Checkout, all you will need to check out online is your unique Visa Checkout username and password, simplifying the process of paying online significantly.

As with all other Visa transactions, security will be a priority. There are multiple layers of security in place to protect your information with more coming out regularly.

It is also worth noting that you needn’t hold a Visa card to partake in Visa Checkout; they accept all major credit cards. Go to our Visa Checkout page to learn more or to enroll your Goldenwest debit or credit card for free.

Kokalitcheva, K. (2014). Visa Checkout isn’t an online wallet – It’s an online credit card. Retrieved August 4,

Goldenwest Credit Union


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